Valérian Peladez
Annie Parrigot
Development Officer
Think and create!
Indépendants Associés is a collective of freelance communication consultants, created in 2011 by passionate creatives. Coming from graphic design, web design, photography and audiovisual, we offer a wide range of skills to implement your communication strategy.
We listen to your needs to bring you to light, make you known and understood in an original way, without distorting your original values.
Our strength is undoubtedly our complementary skills. Rich of our professional experiences in agency, we knew how to surround ourselves with several experts to collaborate with in various fields. Responsive to new lifestyles, we offer our expertise in the development of your corporate identity and in the realization of your communication supports.
Take advantage of our experience and skills to develop a communication that reflects your ambitions!
A little Native American story
One day, all the colors of the world had a violent argument. They all thought they were more beautiful, more important, more useful than each other, each one competing to prove its superiority. But suddenly, a flash of lightning tore the sky and thunder rumbled, giving way to a torrential downpour. Worried, the colors gathered to reassure themselves. The Great Spirit spoke to them: "Stop bickering! Don't you know that each of you is special, unique and different? From now on, when it rains, each of you will cross the sky to form an arc of colors. You will prove that, despite your differences, each one has its place and that you know how to live in harmony." So, every time the Great Spirit decides to pour rain to wash the world, a rainbow comes out.
Indépendants Associés puts its colors at your service and the combination of our skills is our strength.
Before putting forward your products, your services, your activity, your image, we are first interested in you. You are at the core of all our work. We analyze your values, what makes you unique and different.
We give life to your strategy and your communication tools on a daily basis. We boost your image through all our fields of expertise: Strategy and Identity of course, but also Web, Print, Video,...
From an in-depth study, we create your brand territory, your universe, your key visual, your identity atmosphere...